
 2008.12.11. 22:01


Acintya bali

The supreme god in Balinese Hinduism, Acintya,

whose name literally means inconceivable in Sanskrit.

"In the mystical traditions of all religions a distinction is often made between ‘God’ and ‘Godhead.’ The former is the conceptualization of the latter, the latter being Deity itself which is beyond all conception and yet contains all conceptions. The Balinese are adept at this paradoxical ability to hold the One, the Many, and the No-One—all in a single symbolic form. This is the form of Acintya, the God of the Inconceivable, which is afforded the highest place in any shrine.

kaviḿ purāṇam anuśāsitāram

aṇor aṇīyāḿsam anusmared yaḥ

 sarvasya dhātāram acintya-rūpam

āditya-varṇaḿ tamasaḥ parastāt

"One should meditate upon the Supreme Person as the one who knows everything, as He who is the oldest, who is the controller, who is smaller than the smallest, who is the maintainer of everything, who is beyond all material conception, who is inconceivable, and who is always a person. He is luminous like the sun, and He is transcendental, beyond this material nature."

Acintya detail bali

This is an older piece (wood, 21" x 10"), one that Ida Bagus Sutraja, in the village of Mas, seemed somewhat reluctant to part with. Of course, that might have been but a bargaining strategy—yet there were several other objects which he flatly refused to sell. Let’s just say it was a long hot afternoon, and after a couple of hours and several complimentary coca-colas an understanding was reached."


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