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 2008.12.31. 00:38

Pillowcases on New Years Day

When I was in elementary school, my father sewed new pillowcases on each New Year's Day in order to bring good fortune and positive events.

At the time, he related that his mother did this on every New Year's Day on the farm in eastern Ohio. He felt thaty it was a British Tradition from his father's side oif the family. I have found no writings about such a tradition anywhere yet; however, the paternal side of the family came from Englans and also lived in Ireland and Scotland as well. When they came to America, they went from Ireland to London in order to set sail.

My father did not know any of the symbolism behind the new pillow cases. It could have to do with having a fresh new place to dream on the first night of the year.



Ladybug Throw Pillow






























Pear Pincushion Kit




















Lavender Eye Pillow Kit



















Birds Nest Wedding Ring Pillow - Custom Order


















Embroidered Retro Trailer Pillow















































?????????? http://www.echidneofthesnakes.blogspot.com/2004_12_01_archive.html


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