ALL THE MEN ARE HUNGRY Was in the early evening and the sun was punching into my head Outside a stockholm cafe at the river’s edge we sat and smiled We said how rich we were and how warm we felt with a cognac heart Talked over women in a lonely voice and began to jive All the men are hungry, all the men are in search of time Was in a scene from death in the afternoon when I almost cried I realized papa wanted me to live in his bull ring life It made me hungry for peace and it made me wild and tore my heart It didn’t help to wipe away the fears like he often claimed All the men are hungry, all the men are in search of time Was in a frenzy from the midnight air when I saw the light I realized only children can live upon a timeless flight It made me hungry for youth and it made me sad and made me laugh To think that as we live and learn we only follow god’s path All the men are hungry, all the men are in search of time All the men are hungry, all the men are in search of time Karácsony vegán:
Cockney Rebel & a vegák
2008.12.02. 21:41A bejegyzés trackback címe:
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